
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mind of a Diva

In the last couple of weeks I have been really trying to figure out a way to make the most out of my writing career and out of Sunset Hills. I have truly enjoyed the art of writing and being able to do that with blogging has been so fulfilling. In my efforts to find a way to revamp this blog, my heart lead me in another direction.

I ignored it for weeks, but then I finally decided to go with my gut and start a new blog. Mind of a Diva is about my thoughts and growth as a woman in her twenties. I graduated from college, I'm trying to start my career, and I have struggles. It tells about the good times and the bad along with what is on my mind. I truly love writing this blog everyday and it was just what I was looking for.

So that doesn't mean that Sunset Hills will stop existing or that I will not update this page as much. It just means that I will be juggling both at the same time. Also, I would love it if you as readers of this blog would visit Mind of a Diva, and join in the discussions. Read, comment, and subscribe to what I say on there.

Thank you for your continued support and love.